Saturday, 28 April 2007



i can not believe it is only a week since i last wrote in the Blog, feels like ages ago. I have done so much though in the past week so thats probably why.

As you know i arrived in Manly last Sunday with plans to do a lot of walking, unfortunately this did not happenas the weather has not been to goo, lots of rain and wind, but i still had a great time. The beach on Manly is really nice and i preferred it to Bondi to be honest, i haven't got any pictures of it but this was because of the weather. The B and B i stayed in was really nice, it is run by the same owner as the Chelsea where i stayed my first two nights, was a bit cold though and the extra blankets had to come out.

On Tuesday 24th the weather was even worse, so i stayed in, read my book and then went to manly cinema to watch a film, the last king of Scotland, it was good just a bit too gory for me though.

On Wednesday 25th it was time to move on again, this time back to the centre of Sydney, i had three nights booked in a hostel and one night was free as i had entered Australia on a work travel visa. I only lasted one night, i did not like it at all, too crowded for me and no personal space. i booked myself into one of the hotels i was booked into for two extra nights-much better. Wednesday was also Anzac day here, a public holiday in Australia, although the weather was terrible i went to watch the parades. In the evening was my opera house night, i went to see Ying Tong-a walk with the goons, i really enjoyed the experience, the acting was brilliant and it was very funny. I went back to the hostel on the train and i overheard some English girls talking and they were saying that there is nothing to do in Sydney apart from go on the internet, they must be mad, i have been here almost two weeks and i haven't been bored once, even on the quiet days, there is loads to do and most of it doesn't cost as there are lots of walks, free exhibitions.

Thursday 26th April, i took another ferry ride to Watsons Bay across the Harbour, its a little fishing bay and and is very pretty, there are a few walks to do with some fantastic views and the weather was great. the views from Sydney National Park were breath taking and i took pictures until the battery depleted on my camera. I had some fish and chips here which were really enjoyable until some really nasty seagull came up from behind and stole my fish-what a cheek!!!

Friday 27th April i took another ferry ride, this time to Darling harbour, i could have walked but i quite like going on the ferry so i can take pictures of the bridge and the opera house. Once there the weather really turned again so i went into the Australian wildlife centre, very educational although the big bugs and the snakes made my skin crawl-i wonder how many i will come across in the outback.

Saturday 28th April was quite a quiet day i just had a walk to one of the markets in on "The Rocks" area, had a look at some shops then had a swim in the hotel pool.

Today (Sunday 29th), the weather is fantastic so i am going to go down to the Botanical gardens and read my book, take a few pictures. On Tuesday 2nd May i start my overland tour which i am really looking forward to, i have heard from a few of the girls who are on the tour and we are arranginging to meet up before the tour starts.

Si i have been in Sydney for almost two weeks and and i love it, it has such a nice feel about it, in fact i would say that it was PERFECT!!!!



1 comment:

AndreaL.Evans said...

hi Lindy

thanks for your comments, its nice to hear from you. I hope i have published your comment but for some reason the blog seems to be in Japanese and i am guessing at the instructions, Take care Andreaxx